Item Coversheet

Santa Barbara Unified School District

Item Title:First Reading of Selected Board Policies and Administrative Regulations in the 6000 Series - Instruction
Agenda Title:First Reading of Selected Board Policies and Administrative Regulations in the 6000 Series - Instruction
Background:Board Policy 6146.1 updated to reflect new law (AB 216) which requires districts to exempt from any district-adopted graduation requirements a foster youth who transfers into the district or between district high schools after completing his/her second year of high school, unless the district finds that the youth is reasonably able to complete the requirements in time to graduate by the end of his/her fourth year of high school. Policy also reflects new law (AB 97) which redirects into the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) funding for supplemental instruction for students who do not demonstrate "sufficient progress" toward passing the high school exit examination (without eliminating the district's responsibility to provide supplemental instruction for such students) and funding for intensive intervention and services for students who have not passed one or both parts of the exit exam by the end of grade 12.

Additional changes recommended by the Graduation Requirements Committee are highlighted in yellow.
Board Policy 6176 updated to incorporate material formerly in AR. Updated policy reflects new law (AB 97) which redirects funding that could be used for Saturday programs, including supplemental instruction programs and intensive reading and algebra programs funded through the Pupil Retention Block Grant, into the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Policy also adds material re: assignment of teachers to weekend classes and provision of meals during Saturday session.
Administrative Regulation 6176 deleted and concepts moved to Board Policy 6176 Weekend/Saturday Classes.
Recommendation:It is recommended that the Board of Education review the proposed changes to selected Board Policies and Administrative Regulations in the 6000 Series, and provide feedback to staff.
Resource Person:Ben Drati, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education
Emilio Handall, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education
Fiscal Impact:None
Funding Source:

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