Item Coversheet

Santa Barbara Unified School District

Item Title:*** Time Certain - 7:00pm *** Approval of Resolution No. 2018/19-13 Proclaiming September 15 – October 15, 2018 National Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month (Reid)
Agenda Title:*** Time Certain - 7:00pm *** Approval of Resolution No. 2018/19-13  Proclaiming September 15 – October 15, 2018 National Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month (Reid)

National Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month was established by law in 1988. The law celebrates Hispanic-Latino Americans as well as the anniversaries of independence of six Latin American countries. Hispanic or Latino students represent nearly 60% of Santa Barbara Unified School District’s 2017-2018 population, enriching the education experience of all students and staff. The district is also comprised of a diverse group of Hispanic and Latino certificated and classified employees who have a profound and positive influence throughout the district in their commitment to strengthen the educational success of every child.

The 2018 National Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month theme, approved by the National Council of Hispanic Employment Program Managers, is: Hispanics: One Endless Voice to Enhance our Traditions. Aissha Hernandez-Ramos from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in San Juan, Puerto Rico submitted the winning theme, stating “Although Hispanics share so much, we do also have very unique characteristics; and that, enhances us as a group. Our traditions will always be part of who we are. As our history shapes our character; culture defines our beauty; and traditions will enhance our future. History, culture and traditions define us; and we maintain alive because of that. We will keep talking to the world, we will let them know we are here, with our history and culture, as we will keep raising our voice with all we are: a legacy of traditions.”

Recommendation:Approve Resolution No. 2018/19-13 Proclaiming September 15 – October 15, 2018 National Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month.
Resource Person:Lauren Bianchi Klemann, Public Information Officer
Fiscal Impact:
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