Item Coversheet

Santa Barbara Unified School District

Item Title:Adoption of Resolution 2018/2019-34 Calling for Support of AB 39 (Muratsuchi) to Increase Local Control Funding for California’s Public Schools (Jetté)
Agenda Title:Adoption of Resolution 2018/2019-34 Calling for Support of AB 39 (Muratsuchi) to Increase Local Control Funding for California’s Public Schools (Jetté)
Background:Despite California’s leadership in the global economy, the state falls in the nation’s bottom quintile on nearly every measure of public K-12 school funding and school staffing. California ranks 45th nationally in the percentage of taxable income spent on education, 41st in per-pupil funding, 45th in pupil–teacher ratios and 48th in pupil–staff ratios. K-12 school funding has not substantially increased, on an inflation-adjusted basis, for more than a decade. California’s investment in public schools is out of alignment with its wealth, its ambitions, its demographics and the demands of a 21st-century education. However, Assembly Member Al Muratsuchi has introduced AB 39, which would increase LCFF base, supplemental and concentration grant funding to a level that is based on the national average and makes strides towards funding equal to or above the average of the top 10 states, as called for in State Constitution. AB 39 urges the State Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, this critical legislation that would create a roadmap to significantly increase funding to the LCFF through Proposition 98 growth. The actual referenced resolution is attached.
Recommendation:Meg Jetté, Asst. Supt. of Business Services
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Fiscal Impact:Staff recommends the board adopt Resolution 2018/2019-34 Calling for Support of AB 39 (Muratsuchi) to Increase Local Control Funding for California’s Public Schools. 
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