Item Coversheet

Santa Barbara Unified School District

Item Title:Acceptance of Quarterly Williams Uniform Complaints Report for the Santa Barbara Unified School District for the Period Ending June 30, 2020 (Carey)
Agenda Title:Acceptance of Quarterly Williams Uniform Complaints Report for the Santa Barbara Unified School District for the Period Ending June 30, 2020 (Carey)

Statutory changes to the Williams Settlement as stated in California Education Code 35186 (d) requires that a school district report summarized data on the nature and resolution of all Uniform Complaints on a quarterly basis to the county superintendent of schools and the governing board of the school district. Further, the summaries must be publicly reported on a quarterly basis at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing board of the school district. The report must include the number of complaints by general subject area with the number of resolved and unresolved complaints. The complaints and written responses must be available as public records.

Education Code 35186 (a) states that a school district shall use the Uniform Complaint process it has adopted as required by Chapter 5.1 (commencing with Section 4600) of Division 1 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, with modifications, as necessary, to help identify and resolve any deficiencies related to instructional materials, emergency or urgent facilities conditions that pose a threat to the health and safety of pupils or staff, teacher vacancy or misassignment.

For the quarter ending June 30, 2020 the Santa Barbara Unified School District received zero complaints. A copy of the report is attached.

Recommendation:It is recommended that the Board accept the Quarterly Report on Williams Uniform Complaints for the Santa Barbara Unified School District for the April 1 - June 30, 2020 period.
Resource Person:Shawn Carey, Assistant Superintendent Secondary Education
Fiscal Impact:
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